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The Hero?

Ah yes, the semi-lovable/despicable Chaotic Selfish Neutral player character. Regardless of if you love him, hate him, or want to be him, as long as you aren't keeping him from getting paid or from adding more girls to his harem, you're okay in his book. That is, of course, unless you're female and/or sell turnips. Seriously, fuck those damn turnips. You can't kick him out of your party, except for on 2 short occasions, his location is in the center of the screen, and I hope I didn't need to point that out. He's not going to be the main damage dealer, but does a decent job of buffing the party, putting him in the position of something akin to an off-tank and DPS. Since the May 2015 V1 Release he is immune to the Mana Shock as the other non-magic users.

Harem Girls

Name Obtain Location Harem Location +4 Happiness


Alina Collared during Lord of the Manor. Manor Entrance Hall Sweet Perfume No
Apple Kid (Real name Jonagold Apple) Joins harem after Hero Baker and The Philosopher's Stone. Westcastle Manor Alchemy Lab Berry Gera No
Bell Captured after Hell to Pay Dungeon Whip/

Cannot Gift

Bronwyn Collared after Stuck in the Middle With You. Manor Study Sweet Perfume Yes
Chimei Purchased at the Slave Market for 60,000 Sil. Servant's Quarters Lovely Flowers Yes
Diadira Obtained during the quest Rescue me. Hallway outside Hero's room. Slice of Cake Yes
Doll Acquired during A Forge Too Far. Cistern Porcelain Doll Yes
Elaiya Collared during One is the Loneliest Party. Servant's Quarters Clockworke Amusemente Yes
Eulania Joins the household after completing The Phantom Breaker battleground. Hero's room Using her[1] Kinda (Possesses your armor)
Florine Collars herself after Na Na Why Don't You Get A Job. Item Shop Porcelain Doll No
Gargan Joins after Quest for a Cure. Home Bar Pocket Tome Yes
Hanelore Joins after the Undersea City Quest. Southport Mansion Slave Quarters Porcelain Doll No
Ino Hired as enchanter after Scholastic Excellence. Alchemy Lab Shiny Bits No
Jalila Joins the harem after paying her 3,000 sil. Elf Village Box of Chocolates No


Joins the harem after completing Research Materials. Study Pearl Necklace Yes
Larelle Collared after Night of the Raping Dead. Dungeon top left cell/

Manor library

Pocket Tome/

Wooden Horse

Lilac (Maid) Purchased at Slave Market for 750 Sil. Varies Box of Chocolates No
Meline (Sister) Collars herself at East End Bakery after obtaining the Manor and coming up behind her 3 times. Your Bedroom Clockworke Amusemente Yes
Meiriona Joins the harem after completing every quest for her. Elf Shrine Rock Candy No
Miri Collared after purchasing Southport Item Shop. Southport Item Shop Sweet Perfume No
Natya Collared after purchasing the Westcastle Item Shop for 2,500 sil. Westcastle Item Shop Berry Gera No
Nerys Acquired after A Manxome Foe. Elf Village Shrine Kitchen Pocket Tome No (Only during her love quest Also Sprach Nerys)
Orange Kid (Real Name Clementine L' Orange) Joins harem after Hero Baker and The Philosopher's Stone. Westcastle Manor Alchemy Lab Box of Chocolates No
Pandora Acquired after A New Girl Just Like Clockwork. Southport Manor, Master Bedroom Pearl Necklace No
Penelope Collared after investing in her father's farm. Kitchen/

Your Item Shop in Northmarket(post green tower quest)

Lovely Flowers No
Quinta Joins the harem after Princess Bride. Northmarket Manor Outside/


Lovely Flowers No
Raina Xaven lets you date her after your Journeyman Ceremony. Manor Entrance Hall Slice of Cake Yes
Randi Collared after purchasing the Eastfort Condo for 5,000 Sil. Eastfort Condo, First Floor Kitchen Pearl Necklace No
Renfeld Collared after defeating the Count during Quest for a Cure. Westfort Mansion, Your Room Monster Fang No
Serade Collared after purchasing the Eastfort Item Shop for 1,500 Sil. Eastfort Item Shop Shiny Bits No
Therese Captured at your manor during Manor Invasion. Dungeon top right cell/

Manor Chapel

Rock Candy/


Violet (Maid) Purchased at Slave Market for 750 Sil. Varies Berry Gera No
Yamamaya Acquired 4 days after investing 10,000 sils in Slave Market. Dining Hall Monster Fang Yes
Yeon Acquired by doing the quest Hall Monitor From Hell. Dungeon bottom right cell/


Rock Candy/

Fucking Machine


Summarized information

Table for looking up information on rewards, starting relationship points and most effective gift/tortures quickly. Formatting might look ugly so do yourself a favor, copy the table and paste it into excel so you can adjust the size of the columns.

Male Followers

Name Acquisition Location +4 Gift Party
Healbot (Felix) Leave your manor for the first time after Lord of the Manor Library Slice of Cake Yes
Kevin Complete A Forge Too Far Smithy Monster Fang No (except during his respect quest When All You Have Is A Hammer...)
Nicholas Complete Honey Trapper His Estate (North of Northmarket) Clockworke Amusemente No

Bonus (Non-Canon) Party Members

Name Acquisition
Cerulean Name your main character Stark
Wiki-tan Obtained through a Code obtained by contributing to Harem Collectors wiki site (the one you're reading from right now) and telling an admin that you contributed (lying won't work since your contributions will appear on your profile) then they will send you a code

Relationship Chart

Name 0-20/Hate 21-40/Dislike 41-60/Neutral 61-80/Like 81-100/Trust 100/120/Love
Alina Initial Care Package/Day Investment Income(+25) Care Package Upgraded Investment Income(3.000), Agart Warhorn
Applekid Initial Alchemy Chest/Day Doubles content of Alchemy Chest
Bell Initial Nothing More Nothing Even More Nothing Lots of...Nothing
Bronwyn Initial Learn Acid Bulb Arrow Learn Mana Shock Arrow +2 Momentum/Turn
Chimei Initial +5 Defense +2 Momentum/Turn
Diadira Initial Learn My Sanctuary +5 Attack/M.Attack
Doll Initial 2% Extra HP Regen/turn +100 Max Mana
Elaiya Initial +150 Max Health +2 Momentum/Turn Learn Triple Barrage, Crafting Item
Eulania Initial Hero +5 M.Defense*1 Spellcasters +2matk*2
Felix Initial Learn Mana Overcharge/Casters' Spark Learn Magic Ward/Warding Wall +2 All stats
Florine Initial Investment Income(+25) Investment Income(+50)
Gargan*3 Initial Guild Stash Quest Revisitable Dungeon, Crafting Item
Ino Initial Azothium when enchanting*4
Kevin Initial 3 Throwing Knife/Day
Kyrie Initial +3 M.Def
Lilac Initial Hero +5 Defense Unlock scene*5
Larelle Initial Learn Raise Dead +5 Luck +5 Luck
Meiriona Initial
Meline Initial Learn Guilt Trip/Mass Guilting 50% Necrotic Resistance for Hero and Meline
Miri Initial Investment Income(+18)   Investment Income(+18)
Natya Initial Investment Income(+18) Investment Income(+18)
Nerys Initial Hero +8 Luck Exorcist Charm/Day Moonstone Orb
Nicholas Initial Investment Income(+10%/investments)*6
Orangekid Initial Alchemy Chest quality up Alchemy Chest quality up Quest

Unlock Scene

"Love" Bonus

Pandora Initial Hero +8 Agility +2 Lifestyle Happiness (House Bonus) for every residence
Penelope Initial Investment income(+24) 12 Slices of Cake Investment income(+46)
Quinta Initial
Raina Initial +2 Momentum/Turn
Randi Initial Hero +5 Attack Bagged Lunch/Day
Renfeld Initial Hero +5 M.Defense
Serade Initial Investment Income(+10) Investment Income(+10)
Therese Initial +5 M.Attack Discount on Church Blessing(50%) +5 M.Attack 10% cheaper spells, 25% more healing received
Violet Initial Hero +150 Max Health Unlock Scene*5
Yamamaya Initial +2 Momentum/Turn Crafting Material, 30,000 or 50,000 sil.
Yeon Initial Learn Rally +250 Max HP Learn Revive


  • 1 There's mention of resisting possession increases as well, but currently it seems to have 0 effect.
  • 2 Gargan is apparently a spellcaster here, also Doll, but she can at least make use of the stats, Gargan cannot use it at all.
  • 3 Gargan's rewards are annoying to jot down in a table sadly. May want to check his personal page for what exactly his Relationship points unlock.
  • 4 More concretely, Azothium gives you vendor trash worth 750 every time you enchant.
  • 5 Lilac AND Violet need to be at Trust before the scene is unlocked.

Unreleased Harem Girls

A list of all girls who NoMoshing has confirmed to be harem girls but haven't been made one yet.

Name Location Notes
Brigandine Westcastle Noble District, Ser Brigandine's House Human swordswoman who speaks like a dwarf. Can teach the Hero new techniques for a price.

Other Important People

As many named NPCs that are or might become worth knowing are below.

Name Location Notes
Amazing Old Man Alchemy Room, Northmarket Manor Gives you items each day for 12 days, including a weapon's upgrade component.
Balof Agart Housing agent, Northmarket Wealthy District Alina's dad who you buy the manor from
Barst the Lion Eastfort General of the First Legion of Kellos. He gets to kick your ass (if you insist on pissing him off).
Borgen So far, he appears during A Forge too Far and The Virgin Gynocides. Actor who owes the bank money and is the leader of the cult in Westcastle
Brandt Appears during Hour of the Beasts Lola's partner and a fighter of few words
Brendan Appears after you purchase the shop in Eastfort and collar Serade. One of Serade's sons. If you chat with Serade, she requests that you play with her sons. Brendan requests Awiiabu, which can be found throughout the game. Turning in enough Awiiabu will give your main character stat boosts. (I got 5 magic for turning in 8, but I don't know the science.)
Countess Silvayuco Appears at Get Dumped and Send Newt. The Countess of Southport and a close bloodline to the royal family, and a switch who sometimes dominant or submissive.
Doralice Appears during Honey Trapper where has 1 of 3 possible sex scenes and during Shipping Disaster where has another 1 of 2 possible sex scenes Nicholas's fiance might become relevant further base on what you did at her party.
Evanie the Sword-Saint Appears during Ain't no Party like a Search Party in Giant's Path General of the Second Legion of Kellos. You get to kick her ass but then she runs off before you can have fun with her.
Fiona the Gravedigger Kellos Fortress during It's Pronounced "Sabotage" General of the Third Legion of Kellos. You get to kick her ass but then get interrupted before you can have fun with her.
Gui Appears during Ain't no Party like a Search Party Dwarf fighter, also French for some reason, in Kyrie's Party.
Lola Appears during Hour of the Beasts Bit of a bitch but has a nice ass, a named NPC so you might probably see her again in a future update
Mickele Appears during various quests Guy with the worst luck when it comes to job security/safety.
Professor Antimbits His Office at Southport University Professor of Archaeology. Guest star party member during Golem to Be Awesome
Professor Titor Elven Village following Elf Half Empty? Half-Elf Professor who wants to use time magic to help speed up Elven pregnancies.
Queen Melfi Regal Appears during Research Materials The Queen of the Middle Kingdom. Employs a network of special agents (of variable willingness).
Shally Tin Dog Tavern, Northmarket Slums Likes you, doesn't mean she'll sleep with you, more to her history than she says.
Silas Appears during Ain't no Party like a Search Party Some mage in Kyrie's inferior adventurer party.
The Dark Wanderer Appears at It's Pronounced "Sabotage". A spy that works for Queen Melfi Regal.
Xaven Adventurer's Guild, Northmarket Slums Raina's Dad and head of the adventurer guild's Northmarket branch, also hates you[2].

New character entries can use the Blank Character Template to standardize the pages. You will need to copy-paste onto new character entries.


Each member of the Harem[3] has a visual indicator of your relationship. The starting value differs from person to person. Each time a relationship is upgraded, a bonus is received. This might be increased combat powers for Hero, increase combat powers for the character in question, items, sex scenes (and satisfaction), daily sil income, or daily gift packs.

If a character starts out in the dungeon, they can be bribed with gifts to gain happiness and sexually tortured to gain "submission". Both terms reference to the same mechanism, so the distinction is purely for your role playing enjoyment.

The tiers are:

  • 0 pink hearts: Hate[4].
  • 1 pink heart: Dislike[5].
  • 2 pink hearts: Neutral.
  • 3 pink hearts: Like.
  • 4 pink hearts: Trust.
  • All the hearts filled: Starts a Love Quest or Respect Quest depending on their view of you.
  • Quest finished: Love or Respect.


  1. You gain a small amount of affection after the Hero finish a day as a Phantom Knight.
  2. You are really popular with this family.
  3. And your male followers like Felix or Kevin.
  4. Starts in Dungeon.
  5. If applicable, she/he will be released from Dungeon.
Party Characters BronwynChimeiDiadiraDollElaiya
Maids LilacNerysPandoraRandiRenfeldViolet
Male Followers KevinNicholas
Other Harem Members AlinaApple KidBellEulaniaHanelore
InoMeirionaOrange KidPenelopeQuinta
Shopkeepers FlorineJalilaMiriNatyaSerade
Other Important NPCs Amazing Old ManBrandtDoraliceLola
Bonus (Non-Canon) Party Members CeruleanWiki-tan