Progress and/or Life Update

Work continues on the game, which is really too bad because today I’m supposed to send stuff to the testers. Testers: I might be behind by a day or two. There’s not much else to do but program a couple encounters and write some dialogue, so hopefully I’ll be done tomorrow or Friday. I don’t expect many problems with the release (knock on wood!) because of how much I’ve had to test things myself, but we’ll see.

There are two reasons for my delay- one, last Thursday my back seized up to the point where menthocarbamol layered on top of extra-strength ibuprofen made be barely functional enough to lie on the couch without moving all day- otherwise I was in an incredible amount of pain.  The earliest I could see a specialist was Friday afternoon- so I basically lost two days during “crunch time”.

Normally, a mere two days wouldn’t even be a delay- I’d just have to work double a couple days the following week. Except that Nekochan and I are officially house hunting right now, which is exciting but time consuming. You see, that vague “good thing” I mentioned a couple weeks ago was a monetary windfall that’s letting us get out of debt, purchase our first car and our first home, and letting me get some of the specialized medical attention I’ve needed for years but never could afford.

In the short term, HC development will probably slow down a little as a lot of my time will be eaten up by house-hunting and tax season. Long-term, I will be more productive because I’ll be happier and healthier, plus able to work from a brand new home office that I don’t have to share with moldy walls, puke green carpet and the cat’s litterbox. Once I get that set up, I’ll post a little photo-tour of Bad Kitty Games’  new digs.

Another great thing that happened this week: BKG’s Patreon page finally hit it’s second milestone goal! That draft table for Nekochan and (when she’s at the office) MagicWhiteLady might end up waiting until I’m getting the new office together, but it’s going to happen for sure. More importantly,  between my recently zeroed debt and the Patreon increase I can finally start compensating MWL, Gurotaku and Kakurine for their time every month, something that they both deeply deserve.

In short, there might be a bit of a delay (I’m going to try to make sure that the delay on testing doesn’t impact the Backer release next week) but otherwise everything’s coming up Milhouse over here.

Oh, did I mention that Kyrie and Bronwyn are finally joining the party this release? Because they are. =)

10 Replies to “Progress and/or Life Update”

    1. I don’t have them in hand yet, but I’m told they’re only a day or two away. If not for the Backer release, then probably the public release.

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