Minor Delay, But Improving

My health is steadily improving, and I’m getting more adjusted to my medication. Still averaging only a couple hours of work per day, but I’m pretty confident I’m only going to be delayed a week.

As of this moment, the mega huge dungeon is finished. I need to rejigger some enemy abilities to be copacetic with Harem Collector canon (didn’t realize the conflict I put in until I finished everything), but that’s it. After that, I have some gift script to add, need to fully implement the new housing, and fold in Kakurine and Gurotaku’s contributions. All in all, should be pretty easy.

So, a quick rundown on what to expect in the next update:

-Southport University redesign
-At least two new roaming encounters on the world map
-Two new quests
-Two new harem girls
-Five new sex scenes
-Westcastle manor is in
-Westcastle Noble District is accessible
-You can now chat, gift and receive bonuses from the blacksmith
-Seeker’s Stone will work for all hidden items
-Five or so more Dark Seeds, plus a new reward to for having 30+

So please bear with the delays a little bit longer, because even with all the problems it’s going to be a pretty fucking awesome update!

11 Replies to “Minor Delay, But Improving”

    1. He does have a name, and the Hero does learn what it is, but still just calls him “Blacksmith” or “Hey, you” anyway, ’cause that’s the kind of guy the Hero is.

  1. Nice to know that this is on schedule. A minor delay such as this one is really no delay at all. It’s like a theater performance being delayed by 5 minutes just to ensure that everything is just fine.

  2. So does the 5 scenes mean all four for the new dungeon are going to be in this release? Or will we need to wait for the next release for that quest to be completely finished?

  3. So I guess us poor college students who can’t pay =*C (really wish I could afford it) will be getting the release on the 24th? Cool, day early Christmas gift if that’s the case! And thanks for the awesome game, I’ve played through most of what’s available at the moment and I’m loving it.

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