TL;DR Things aren’t bad, but there will still be a delay.
So, update on things going on with me: My basement was cleaned up last Friday, and things on that end were taking care of with incredible celerity. One of the benefits of home ownership: When you have a problem “ASAP” actually means “as soon as possible” and not “when the landlord has time to do it and there isn’t a hockey game on”. It didn’t end up taking much of my time, only two or three days at worst. As for the medical thing, turns out what I was expecting to be the actual thing was only a orientation/consultation session. The actual procedure will be happening in mid-to-late January. In the best case scenario, they’ll conduct the surgery for what they think my problem is right then and there, as it’s a fairly simple procedure, but I don’t know when I’ll be able to properly work after that.
However, there will still be a delay. I’ll update the homepage when I have a better idea of when things will go down, but this is definitely a case of nobody on the team is firing on all cylinders except Music Guy PeaSea. Gurotaku, Kakurine, and Gusbus have all had their own delays this month. Gurotaku is getting his ass kicked at work, and Kakurine had a death in the family, so please send them your good wishes. It’s not all doom and gloom, though- Gusbus is delayed because her boyfriend took a vacation from his job overseas and they’ve been getting reacquainted.
So it seems to me that the best thing to do is to put off the public release by a little bit, let everyone catch up (and give PeaSea extra time for more awesome music), and time the new public release to coincide with the rollout of the new Bad Kitty Games website! Plus, given the amount of new mechanics, new scenes, new harem girls and all that will be in the next release, I think a little delay to make all aspects of the game as great as possible will be well worth it to you guys.
Until next time!
>new harem girls
Please, just say… How much of them?
At least two, maybe three.
Cool! I appreciate the quality, so I don’t mind the delays.
I have nothing to say except best wishes to all of you.
Take your time as you see fit, you all have earn it.
Nobody will say anything as long as the developing will continue.
I’ll support you guys. 🙂